Improved detection of sex that can initiate pregnancy.Updated Pubic Hair growth rates for the current age spans.Otherwise, here's something you can try to prevent it from happening again.ĭownload Sims 4 Studio and go to 'Content Management -> Batch Fixes -> CAS -> Remove Fashion Tags' and Run it on your Mods folder. ❗ If your game save went back in time and you lost progress, make sure you're on the 1.91.205 game patch. ❗ If a custom body or strapon you used previously isn't working or can't be used, you have to update it a release compatible with the newest version of WickedWhims. ❗ If a penis made by Noir or Simdulgence is appearing deformed/stretched, you have to update it a release compatible with the newest version of WickedWhims. NANDONG_OverideSliderHeadJawMouthForTongueCompability.package.NANDONG_ymHead Default Replacement without EA Eyelash.package.NANDONG_yfHead Default Replacement without EA Eyelash.package.Here's a list of known PACKAGE files causing issues: ❗ If the tongue or penis is appearing floating/stretched/distorted (even when Sim is not having sex) then you need to delete incompatible/outdated mods affecting tongues and/or penises. Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Supported Game Versions: 1.91.205 (Sep 8), 1.92.145 (Oct 11), 1.93.146 (Nov 22) Make sure to remove old mod files before installation! DOWNLOAD HERE